Salt Cleanse Elixir

A hot drink withย Celtic sea salt,ย lemon juice, mint, andย hot waterย can be a simple yet effective way to aid digestion, and detoxification.

You can safely drink a hot lemon and Celtic sea salt water mixย 1-2 times per day, depending on your body’s response and your overall health condition. Drinking this once in the morning on an empty stomach is a common practice, as it can help kickstart digestion and hydration after a night’s rest. If you feel comfortable and your body responds well (no bloating, excessive thirst, or discomfort), you could consume it again later in the day, such as before lunch or dinner.

Possible Health Benefits

Constipation Relief: The combination of sea salt and lemon may help stimulate digestion and bowel movements, offering relief from constipation.

Hydration: This drink can keep you hydrated, which is essential for overall detoxification and proper digestive function.

Mild Detox: The minerals from Celtic sea salt and the cleansing properties of lemon juice can support the bodyโ€™s natural detox processes.

Celtic Sea Salt

Electrolyte Balance: Celtic sea salt is rich in trace minerals, which can help replenish electrolytes, especially if you’ve been sweating or dehydrated.

Digestive Support: Salt can stimulate the production of stomach acid, improving digestion and nutrient absorption.

Detoxifying Effect: The minerals in Celtic sea salt may help to flush out toxins and improve bowel movements, which can relieve constipation.

Lemon Juice

Digestive Aid: Lemon juice is acidic and can help stimulate bile production, which assists in breaking down food and improving digestion.

Alkalizing Effect: Despite its acidity, lemon has an alkalizing effect on the body, which can help balance pH levels.

Vitamin C Boost: Lemon juice is rich in vitamin C, which is known to support the immune system and has antioxidant properties.

Detox: Lemon is often used in detox drinks due to its ability to stimulate liver function and promote detoxification pathways.

Fresh Mint

Digestive Aid: Mint is well-known for its ability to soothe the digestive system. It can help reduce bloating, gas, and indigestion, making the drink even more effective for digestion.

Refreshing Flavor: Mint adds a refreshing, cooling flavor that complements the tangy lemon and salty undertones, making the drink more enjoyable to consume.

Antioxidant Properties: Mint is rich in antioxidants, which can further support the bodyโ€™s detoxification process and overall health.

Breath Freshening: It can leave your breath fresh, especially if youโ€™re drinking this in the morning.

Hot Water

Hydration: Hot water helps with hydration, which is essential for maintaining healthy digestion and preventing constipation.

Digestive Stimulation: Warm water can help soothe the digestive tract, stimulating peristalsis (the contraction of the intestines) to promote bowel movements.

Salt Cleanse Elixir

Recipe by AnnaDifficulty: Easy


Prep time




  • 1 tsp Celtic sea salt

  • 2 cups / 5 dl hot water

  • Juice of 1 lemon

  • 4-5 fresh mint leaves


  • Boil the waterย until
  • Addย Celtic sea saltย to the hot water, stir well until the salt is fully dissolved.
  • Squeeze the juice ofย lemonย into the salted water, stir to combine.
  • Lightly crush or tear fresh mint leavesย to release their oils and aroma, add them to the elixir.
  • Let the mint leaves steep for 2-3 minutes to infuse the drink.
  • Stir again and enjoy when comfortable to drink.

Important Considerations for Safe Use

Monitor Salt Intake: Celtic sea salt is rich in minerals but still salt. The American Heart Association recommends no more than 2,300 mg of sodium daily, ideally closer to 1,500 mg. A teaspoon of Celtic sea salt contains about 1,500-2,000 mg of sodium, so you should ensure that this drink does not push you over the limit, especially if you consume other salty foods.

Hydration: This drink can help with hydration, but be mindful to balance it with additional water intake throughout the day to avoid over-consuming salt, which could lead to dehydration or bloating.

Pre-existing Conditions: If you have high blood pressure, or kidney issues, or are on a low-sodium diet, you should limit or avoid drinking this regularly. Always consult a healthcare provider if you have concerns regarding salt intake in your diet.

Listen to Your Body: Some people may find that consuming this daily causes bloating, diarrhea, or discomfort due to the salt or the acidity of the lemon. If that happens, reduce the frequency or amount of salt.

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