The immunity system is your body’s capability to resist harmful microorganisms. In other words, its job is to prevent you from getting sick. Strengthening your immune system can help prevent becoming ill and ease the symptoms if you get sick. But is it possible to boost immunity?
Taking handfuls of vitamins and supplements is hardly beneficial. More important is that you maintain a balanced diet and exercise regularly. To prevent colds, the recommendation is to get vitamin C and zinc. The best is to get them naturally from food. If you use supplements, ensure you get them of good quality. Vitamin D is recommended if not getting regular access to sunshine since that is the only decent source. Vitamin D is the one vitamin that everyone should take.
Good natural sources of vitamin C:
- Kakadu plums
- Berries
- Lemons
- Acerola cherries
- Guavas
- Kiwis
- Bell peppers
- Fresh chili
- Parsley
- Kale
- Broccoli
- Brussels sprouts
Good natural sources of zinc:
- Shellfish, especially oysters
- Red meat and poultry
- Nuts
- Seeds
- Legumes
- Eggs
- Dairy
- Seaweed
- Basil
- Dark chocolate
The subject of boosting immunity is controversial; science doesn’t know very much about this complex system to make recommendations about strengthening it. Some factors are weakening the immune system.
These factors weakens our immune system
- Smoking
- Drinking alcohol more than moderately
- Inactive lifestyle
- Obesity
- Poor sleeping
- High stress
- Poor diet
Most important thing about preventing colds and flus, is good hygiene
- Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you sneeze or cough, then throw it in the trash.
- Wash your hands often and well.
- Don’t use same dishes than other people.
- Cover all cuts, even small ones.
- Don’t touch your face with unwashed hands.
Same as with most things in life, a working immunity system needs a balanced lifestyle. Eat healthily, and exercise enough, preferably in fresh outdoor air. And most vital, live a happy life ♥
Read also our Foods that boost the immune system.