How to Save Thinning Hair

How to save thinning or otherwise unhealthy hair? Stress alone can make your hair fall out. There are other factors too, and many things you can do to improve the situation. Hair is your crown they say, but what can you do if yours is more like an ordinary headband?

Possible causes of hair thinning or even major loss of hair

  • Stress
  • Low ferritin
  • Chemicals in shampoo and other hair products
  • Low-quality diet
  • Medical conditions and medication
  • Hormones
  • Heredity
  • Aging
  • Lack of protein
  • Thyroid problems
  • Diabetes
  • Shampoo with sodium laurel sulfate

What is considered normal loss of hair?

It’s personal how much hair you lose in a day. Also, hair loss is stronger on days you wash your hair. Shedding 50-100 hair per day is normal. 

Is your hair thinning and falling out?

The first thing you should check when hair is shedding more than normal is your diet. Do you eat enough vegetables and greens? Or if you are vegan or vegetarian, maybe you are not getting enough protein. Fast food and processed food do not have the vitamins and minerals that healthy hair needs. You have to provide all the needed nutrients to your hair to be healthy and happy.

It can be very useful to take a blood test to find out why your hair is unwell. Ferritin, hormone, and thyroid levels at least. Consult your medical professional for the best advice.

Are you experiencing stress? Stress alone can make your hair fall out. Try meditation or yoga, or make time just for yourself and do things that you enjoy the most. 

Consider changing your hair products to organic ones. There are quality organic cosmetic products available. Show your hair some love with good quality products❤️We have some great DIY recipes for you.

Preventing hair loss

Baldness caused by genetics (male and female pattern baldness) is not completely preventable. Taking care of well-balanced hormones and a good diet might slow the pattern-baldness. If you smoke, stop that immediately. According to studies, smoking can be related to pattern baldness, especially for men.

The same can be true with medical treatments for some diseases. You can’t completely prevent hair loss caused by treatment that has hair loss as a side effect. If you are treated with chemotherapy, a cooling cap may help prevent the hair loss. Ask your doctor about it.

Here is THE treatment against hair loss.

Hair loss for other reasons can be prevented and corrected with healthy life choices. 

How to save thinning hair

  • Maintain balanced diet
  • Lower stress levels
  • Supplements if needed
  • Take good care of your hair
  • Scalp massages
  • Don’t wash your hair too often
  • Protect your hair from sunlight
  • Brush your hair gently every day
  • Red light therapy
  • Change your pillowcase often and use satin or silk ones
  • Avoid brushing your hair when it’s wet
  • Do a coconut oil treatment every other week. Rub coconut oil on your scalp and all over your hair, make a bun, and leave it overnight. Wash without sodium laurel sulfate.
  • Apply castor oil to the ends. It’s sticky oil so perhaps as an overnight treatment.
  • You can make rosemary water and spray it on your hair. Recipe here.

Supplements for healthy hair

  • Biotin (B7)
  • Kollagen
  • Iron
  • Zinc
  • B12
  • Folate
  • Vitamin D

AD: Therabrush – Unlock Your Hair’s Full Potential Naturally- Discover the Secret to Hair Growth

Read also our post about healthier choices.

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